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Surviving in the SEO Arena

Written by Tom Perry | 22-Dec-2016 15:34:09



Google boasts over 3 billion online searches daily and jumping through its algorithmic hoops to get your site at or near the top of any Search Engine Results page is the primary aim of any SEO project.

When building any serious website (or improving an existing one) there are several technical methods you can use to boost your site up the rankings in Search Engine results.

An expert understanding of how Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing work is important to the process so that you can tailor your website in order to be ranked highly in their eyes. As an IT marketing agency we have this expert understanding (we also have plenty of free resources) and hope to pass it on to you further down the page...

If you have an existing website which is already performing well for some of your needs but others need to be improved then the best strategy is not necessarily to scrap the whole thing and start again (as many do) but rather make a few tweaks and changes to Search Engine Optimisation influencing factors and you'll see boosted performance in no time.

You could see boosted performance in other areas of your business too if you take a read of our free ABCs of inbound marketing guide. But now to take you through some top tips for surviving in the SEO arena. 

Ranking Factors

You need to understand which search ranking factors will work, and which will not. Some of the things that Search Engines value highly in their ranking factors are as follows...

  • Mobile friendliness (As most people view websites on their mobiles these days)
  • Your page's perceived value (What is a prospect going to gain from visiting your site)
  • Readability and design (Does it look good? Take a look at ours for some inspiration)
  • Data usage

All of these factors are becoming more important in terms of Google's search engine ranking system whereas paid link effectiveness and anchor text influence have a much smaller slice of the SEO pie.

Site Security

The 's' in the acronym HTTPS stands for security so adding extra site security by moving it into HTTPS is what Google prefers... They even entice web owners to do so by giving an extra boost to your rankings once your site is considered secure.

More and more sites are moving to this format to the point that this has become the norm to adhere to in the current SEO climate.

User Intent

Recently there has been a momentous shift from the focus being on keywords to user intent in SEO rankings. Basically, search engines have evolved to the point that they are now intelligent enough to be able to gauge user intent and match you to a site that fulfils your request. In order to use this to your advantage you need to:

  • Focus on more natural language when doing keyword research (Make use of long-tail keywords)
  • When doing research, focus on relevant topics and themes to build content, not just keywords...
  • Understand your target audience and use phrases they are going to be searching.

These tips, coupled with analytics to measure what on your site is generating traffic, will boost your SEO performance in no time.

SEO is always evolving, and it is almost impossible to keep up with the constant improvements and updates that Google rolls out but by following these tips you stand a fighting chance.

If you want any help with SEO, demand generation or B2B inbound marketing, then get in touch with us!