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channel ABM

why channel abm?

The dynamic between vendor and partner creates circumstances which suit an ABM programme very well.  Product value proposition alongside partner-specific reference-ability and sector expertise creates a compelling message to bring to target accounts.

Running a Partner ABM programme does have it's unique challenges which means that it is crucial to have an ABM expert with not only technical ABM capabilities but also the understanding of marketing through channel. Sherpa has both of these and has brought this experience together in multiple Partner ABM programmes.




which partners

Partner ABM is unlike other through channel marketing programmes and campaigns.  It represents a high investment with high potential return.  We recommend it only be used for Top Tier or emerging Top Tier partners.

But Partner tier isn't the only success criteria for Partner ABM, partners need to have internal resource to dedicate to the programme, content which can be used or re-purposed, case studies.  Partners also need accountability on lead progression, both from their sales and marketing stakeholders.  

Sherpa can help define a good list of partners for a Partner ABM programme or pilot with you.



partner abm 7-step process

The first step of Partner ABM is selecting the right partners.  In the planning phase, Sherpa spends time with the partners understanding their target audience and their value proposition - we then plan out the campaign and the audiences to target.  A large part of the programme is around account research, analysis and discovery.  Content and messaging is usually a blend of partner-specific content and vendor content and is personalised to the target audience.  We implement the programme and constantly monitor and optimise, using sales and marketing stakeholders from the partner (and ideally also the vendor) to progress accounts.  

We report and analyse the programme engagement and ROI metrics aligned to both the objectives of the partner and the vendor.


5 key ABM success factors?

We have distilled what makes an Account Based Marketing programme successful in to 5 key criteria.  Download the report to see how ready you are for ABM.

Download now

are you ready?

Would you like to know who’s in the market for a product like yours, right now? How about if you could put your solution right in front of them and position it as the only sensible option?

Whether you’re bouncing up and down on the starting line or you’d just like to have a nice chat about ABM, we’re always ready to talk to you.

  • Call: 01234 964000
  • Or please fill in this form!

let's do this...