Driving Partner Revenue in 2025
The Quest for More Partner Revenue in 2025: 10 Things to Rethink in Partner Marketing
Around ten years ago Campaign in a Box was what every Channel marketing team demanded, but Vendors quickly realized that pushing out content to Partners with little thoughts for their goals and objectives didn’t work and wasn’t the time-saving answer they had hoped for. Yet, in 2022 we are seeing a renewed interest in Campaign in a Box, with leading Vendors revisiting these tactics - but with substantial evolution.
In this blog we will explore why we are seeing a new and improved Campaign in a Box returning, and how Vendors are realizing the value it can offer them.
Boosting Partner engagement at scale
The requirement: To genuinely support Partners’ marketing efforts, Vendors need to provide Partners with the materials to quickly and effectively go-to market.
As Vendors have grown and experienced success, they have expanded with regional and global teams. These teams create marketing collateral which are provided to the Channel marketing teams - often overwhelming them with a raft of content that does not address their specific needs. By conducting an audit of the existing content, understanding the wider objectives within the Partner ecosystem and exploring Partners marketing capability, Vendors can create a Campaign in a Box that's relevant, engaging and addresses their needs.. The Campaign in a Box, accompanied by a Partner promotional kit, can deliver impressive results, with Vendors often seeing up to a 65+ increase in Partner participation.
Increased ROI
Often Campaign in a Box has been criticized for its lack of ROI despite its obvious scalability. However ROI relies on engagement, which whilst lacking in the ‘original’ Campaign in a Box’ is greatly improved in the new, repackaged version. Other elements for consideration for engagement are structure and accessibility.
For it to be effective, Campaign in a Box needs to be properly launched and promoted to Partners with a tailored comms campaign, not just sent as an attachment on an email or hosted on an inaccessible web page. A quick start or user guide with suggested campaign structure and cadence helps Partners understand what the kit contains and how to use it to maximum effectiveness. If Partners understand and are on board with CIAB and they can see the value it could deliver, they are more likely to engage with it.
The Campaign in a Box also needs to be presented in an accessible way to the Partner, whether that is through a Partner portal or TCMA tools. Research finds that the commercial impact of an effective managed Partner marketing program is up to 73% increase in marketing ROI and +65% in Partner participation.
Having trackable links associated to different metrics (e.g. Google analytics, LinkedIn) means you can view the impact of your marketing in real time. Plus, Partners can then optimize their campaigns, using the CIAB collateral, based on the results they are seeing and the success of the individual components with their target audience.
PRM integration
Campaign in a Box is not the stand alone zip file it was 10 years ago. Modernized services permit the material to be uploaded and integrated into the PRM for Partner activation. This creates a fully formed support system and eases pressure from Channel Partner teams by alleviating the requirement for administrative tasks.
Research shows that providing a Campaign in a Box service allows for 80 - 90% reduction in Partner marketing management tasks. Integration into your PRM provides the freedom to choose how you deliver your marketing campaigns whilst being reassured the content, material and support received is high quality. An integrated campaign framework is more likely to achieve the desired results by combining all aspects of marketing communications and collateral, driving towards a single goal.
What else is in the box?
The box should not only contain the campaign itself, but additional elements such as the ‘Partner Promotional Kit’ and the ‘Feedback and success’ reporting. These elements enhance the overall experience for Partners.
Providing Partners with the support and guidance they need is key to the success of any great Campaign in a Box program. Having thoughtful and constructive conversations about what Partners want to gain from their marketing is so valuable - especially as it’s likely that Partners wont have masses of experience, or time, to decide how to use their marketing materials. This collaboration in the early stages of the joint project is an opportunity for Partners to share not only what they want and need from the assets but importantly it's a chance for Partners to set out the market opportunity, their target audience and end goals.
So, it seems Campaign in a Box is here to stay, albeit a much improved version than it’s decade old predecessor. It’s ease of use, flexibility, consistency and measurability means it’s a great marketing ‘gift’ to give Partners, one that drives awareness, opens doors, and delivers ROI.
If you’re looking for Partner marketing activities that boost Partner engagement, then Campaign in a Box could help you do that, so why not talk to us today.
We can deliver a variety of campaign assets based on Partners' budgets, target audience and the campaign and business objectives they are looking to fulfil. We would love to chat through how a Campaign in a Box project could benefit you - book a chat.
The Quest for More Partner Revenue in 2025: 10 Things to Rethink in Partner Marketing
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